As for life since August 2013...a lot has changed.
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I need this outfit...and maybe a pink saddle |
First, the good stuff: I sold my horse Jac Smart to a teenager who adores him - they're kicking butt and taking names in the cowhorse world. And, last fall, I found my equine soul mate, TimberZak. I call him my "Barbie dream horse." He's a big handsome blonde with a puppy-dog personality. And, we recently won our first World title together. I know most people only get one "horse of a lifetime," and I had Joker, but Zak is really winning my heart (and making me think I may be a lucky person who gets two horses of a lifetime). Charlie is growing like a weed and is as handsome and spunky as ever - he's the best of both me and Jared...with some quirky little traits oddly akin to his late great-grandfathers, who we know are both smiling down on him. Jared still tolerates all of us...even Zak! (And those of you who know Jared know that this horse must be seriously special to be accepted by our anti-horse Johnson family patriarch).
Now, the bad (aka blessing in disguise)...To make a very long story short, the "dream job" at the insurance company was a nightmare that I endured for almost a year, the boss-lady was a nightmare, and the work environment was a nightmare. So, I ate my feelings. Then, I ended up in a great work situation at a well-respected firm (back in Dallas), but there's a lot of traveling....and free food. So, I ate the free food. And, there's a lot more responsibility at the current job...and stress makes me eat. So, I ate the stress. See the theme here? Unfortunately, the seams on my pants are paying for my culinary indiscretions. I was at a cross-roads: Keep it up, suck it up, and buy bigger clothes something about it. So, since I can't seem to find and kill the gremlins in my closet that sew my clothes tighter each night, I'd better get back on the bandwagon.
I'll own it. I've been making excuses.. I DO have time to work out (if I put down Facebook for a few extra minutes). I CAN eat better on the road (even though I did get some serious road-warrior street cred for taking down an entire meal from Pappadeaux - including buttered bread! - while driving up the highway...I'm still pretty proud of myself for that one). I have to do this for myself because there's no worse feeling in the world than the feeling that you're not living to your potential. I'm not riding as well, I'm not as confident in my court attire, I'm not the healthy wife/mom Jared and Charlie deserve. And, once I hit "publish" on this blog, I have a huge network of accountability. So, weight loss journey 3 commences today.
Already, I've realized the importance of not getting too ambitious too soon. I meal-prepped yesterday for the week. My over-zealous self decided not to stick to the ordinary broccoli and green beans that allowed
Friends do not let friends eat steamed kale |
me to survive weight loss journey No. 2. I wanted to over-achieve. I wanted to be created. I wanted to incorporate some "super-foods." And, in doing so, I discovered the nastiest excuse for food in the history of food (this one may, in fact, top the Body for Life brownies that we turned into dog treats). Two words: steamed kale. It looked beautiful...all bright green and leafy, even in its wilted state. It told me it would be good for my body, but it lied. It made me gag. But I didn't fail. I just tossed the slimy lump of pungent greens in the trash and crossed that off my list of acceptable diet foods while I choked down experiment number 2...roasted (and then re-heated) asparagus. I know now that "if it aint broke, don't fix it" applies to food. I never thought I'd look forward to steamed broccoli!
I wish this was funny, and maybe I'll post a video of me slapping the shit out of myself for every single bite of unhealthy crap I've imbibed over the past two years - THAT would be funny - like my very own diet version of Jackass. But, if I've learned one thing over the years, there's only ONE way to do pills or powder or other fad crap...just healthy food, portion control, and moving my body around. So, if you're a true friend, feel free to publicly shame me if you see me sitting too long, eating too much, or taking a bite of anything un-healthy (and if you're local, you have permission to slap the cookie out of my hand).