I’d heard some radio commercials about a local weight loss program, Slim 4 Life, so I called. I knew I’d get a sales pitch, but as I told them when I went for my consultation, “I don’t care if you tell me to eat vanilla flavored dog crap and jump around with a monkey on my head…make me thin and I’ll do it!” And, pound by pound, and week by week, they did! I won’t go all infomercial on you, but basically, it’s a sensible program – veggies, fruits and lean protein. I told them I’d eat right, but had minimal time to exercise (and preferred that my exercise be accomplished on the back of a horse, not in a gym). I wanted to eat out some. I wanted grocery store food. They made all of that happen. I won’t lie…it was expensive. But, it WORKED. I was hitting my milestones, staying motivated, and by Christmas, I was at goal weight. 70 pounds thinner and right at SIX full clothes sizes down. Without giving away the details, I used to wear a size closer to my age…now I wear a size closer to Charlie’s age. That rocks. And, I rewarded myself with a pair of Dubarry boots and a new-to-me reining saddle in a popular seat size! I’ve also had to replace 75% of my wardrobe (and threw in some new shoes and new chaps – 2 sizes smaller – for good measure). The key to continued success: I got rid of ALL of my larger clothes (all to wonderful charities).
I’ve realized a couple of things on this journey: (1) if you want to lose weight bad enough, you’ll make the sacrifices necessary and (2) weight loss really is a never-ending journey and DOES need to be a lifestyle change. My goals were to go to the beach in May unafraid of wearing a swimsuit and to wear a “sexy” dress to my brother-in-law’s wedding. DONE. But, the Florida key lime pie and Kentucky wedding cake are still lingering, so it’s time to hit the program again.
We’re three days back in and Jared was nearly in tears last night begging for a bowl of cereal around midnight. I was not hungry, but still maintain that I’m the tougher one of the two of us. I think Jared believes I’ve chosen to follow this nutrition plan for the sole purpose of secretly and slowly torturing him. I’ll insert my sinister laugh here. :-)
Left: Mandy's wedding in February 2012 Right: Jordan's wedding in June 2013 |